The Salamander Product World
Discover our high-quality products
Design. Innovation. Sustainability.
Discover the world of Salamander products, where innovation meets functionality and design. Our windows offer not only top-notch energy efficiency and security, but also individual design options.
Salamander doors set accents in every entrance area and guarantee durability, comfort, and our sliding systems combine aesthetics with a flowing room layout, thus creating a harmonious connection between interior and exterior areas. Each product is a testament to our commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation.
As a representative characteristic of a house, windows today are more than just an opening to the outside: Their individual design significantly determines the overall appearance of a building.
Therefore, windows, as part of the exterior wall, must not only meet the highest standards of quality and security - today's customer places great importance on color, shape, and function.
Discover Windows)
Doors connect comfort with freedom. Just one step can mean open nature or a secure home. Salamander doors also meet the highest security and quality standards for your home, combined with ease of maintenance and design. For your perfect, individual door.
Discover Doors)
Sliding Systems
Large sliding elements mean light and freedom and thus contribute to your optimum feel-good atmosphere. With sliding systems from Salamander, this dream can be fulfilled.
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The C3 Principal
Climate | Case | Customer
A window is not just a window. Depending on location, orientation, climate conditions, building properties, and many more variables, you need different types of windows. It's easy to lose track. Our myWindow_C3 app collects all the important parameters and guides you through three levels. We call this the Salamander C3 principle. Based on the data collected, you will learn valuable background information, understand the requirements for your windows, and receive tailored recommendations for our window systems.
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Care & Maintenance
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